The Links list page displays a list of all links available to use in AI-Console. When a link is created, it can be attached to content in a node in Flow Tooling, included in the Customer Profile panels, assigned to a View, etc.

Here, you’ll find the Link name & URL. When adding a link to a flow or other feature, you will be required to add it from a list of all link names.

To create a link:

  1. From the Links landing page, click the + button at the bottom right.
  2. A modal window will open.
  3. Link name: Provide a name for the link. Make the name descriptive so that other users can recognize its purpose.
  4. URL: Include the full external URL, including http:// (e.g.,
  5. Channel Targets: This feature is optional. It allows users to create a link variant that targets customers using a specific channel. See details below.

Add a Channel Target Variant

  1. Click Add Channel Target to add a URL variant. A new input field will be added. a. URL Override: Include the URL variant for the targeted channel. Please follow the same URL syntax as described under Create a Link. b. Channel Target: From the drop-down menu, select which channel to target. Bear in mind that a single variant per channel is currently supported.
  2. Delete targets: To remove a target, click the Delete icon.
  3. Save: To save the link, click the Save button. The link will not be active until it is assigned to a flow, customer profile or any other feature that supports Links.
  4. Cancel: On click, all changes will be cleared.

Once a link has been created, it can be sent to customers in flows. The Links feature will keep tabs on where each link has been assigned and provide quick access to those feature areas.

When viewing a specific link, the Usage section indicates which flows are currently using the respective link. On click, you can navigate directly to the flow. When a link is not assigned in any flow, ‘Not yet assigned’ will be displayed.

Link changes are global, which means that saved changes are immediately pushed to all features that reference the link.

  1. From the Links landing page, click the link name you want to edit.
  2. Link ID: After a link is saved for the first time, a unique identifier is automatically assigned to the link. This identifier does not change over time, including when the link is edited. a. The Link ID can be referenced in Historical Reporting for your reporting needs.
  3. Assign changes to the configurations.
  4. Save: When changes are complete, click Save to automatically apply the changes.

Links can be deleted, but only if they are not currently assigned. To delete a link that is assigned, remove the assignments first.

  1. If the link is assigned: When opening the Link modal, the Delete button will be disabled. The delete function will remain disabled until all link assignments have been removed.
  2. If the link is not assigned: The link can be deleted by clicking on the Delete button on the bottom-left area of the link modal.

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