Agent NodeA flow node used to direct customers to a live agent.
AI-ConsoleA web-based application for managing your implementation of ASAPP’s virtual agent.
AMBSee “Apple Messages for Business”
Ambiguous UtteranceCustomer utterances characterized by having multiple distinct meanings like “My battery died.” This is contrasted from “vague” utterances which are characterized by having broad, but still distinct meaning ( e.g. “Phone issue”).
Apple Messages for Business (AMB)Offers the ability for customers to chat with businesses directly in the Apple Messages app. Includes dedicated uis to facilitate more efficient interactions than would be possible using traditional SMS, as well as support for highly impactful entry points in Siri Suggestions and chat intercepts for customers who tap on phone numbers while on their iOS device. Learn more at: apple.com/ios/business-chat.
ASAPP TeamYour direct representatives at ASAPP, inclusive of your assigned Solutions Architect, Customer Success Manager, and Implementation Manager.
Business FlowBusiness Flows are flows that are built to resolve a customer need as indicated by their intent. This is in contrast to “Non-Business Flows,” which are flows that serve more generic purposes such as greeting a customer, disambiguating an utterance, or enabling customers to log in or connect with an agent.
Chat SDKsEmbeddable chat UI that ASAPP offers for web, iOS, and Android applications. Each SDK supports quick replies, rich components and various other content interactions to facilitate conversations between businesses and their customers.
ClassificationRefers to the process of classifying the customer’s intent by analyzing the language they use.
ContainmentThe success rate of the virtual agent prevents human interaction.
Core DialogRefers to the settings that define how the virtual agent behaves in common dialog scenarios like initial welcome, live chat enquement, digressions (triggering a new intent in the middle of a flow), and error handling.
CustomerYour customer who is engaging with your virtual agent.
Customer ChannelsThe set of UIs and applications that your customers can use to engage with your business. Includes chat SDKs, Apple Messages for Business, Google Business Messaging, SMS, etc.
DeeplinksLinks that send users directly to a web page or to a specific page in an app.
Dialog TurnsThe conversational steps required for a virtual agent to acquire the relevant information from the end-user.
DisambiguationThe process whereby the virtual agent gets clarification from the consumer on what is meant by the customer’s message. Disambiguation is often triggered when the customer’s message matches multiple intents.
End NodeThe flow node used to end a flow and trigger end SRS options (See: Semantic Response Score)
EnqueuementRefers to the process where a customer is waiting in queue to chat with a live agent.
FlowFlows define how the virtual agent interacts with the customer given a specific situation. They are built through a series of nodes.
Flow SuccessMetric to accurately measure whether a customer has successfully self-served through the virtual agent.
Free TextThe unstructured customer utterances that can be freely typed and submitted without Autocomplete or quick replies.
GBMSee “Google Business Messaging”
Google Business MessagingOffers the ability for customers to initiate chats and with businesses in a number of contexts including web browsers, the google maps app. Includes dedicated UIs to facilitate more efficient interactions than would be possible using traditional SMS, and delivers highly impactful entry points from google search results and location listings in google maps. Learn more at: https://businessmessages.google/.
Insights ManagerThe operational hub through which users can monitor traffic and conversations in real time, gain insights through Historical Reporting, and manage queues and queue settings. Learn more in the Insights Manager overview.
IntentIntents are the set of reasons that a customer might contact your business and are recognized by the virtual agent when the customer first reaches out. The virtual agent can also understand when a user changes intent in the middle of a conversation (see: digressions).
Intent CodeUnique, capitalized identifier for an intent.
Intent RoutesThe logic that determines what will happen after an intent has been recognized.
LibraryThe panel that houses content that can be used within intent routing and flows.
Login NodeA flow node used to enable customer authentication within a flow.
Multi-Turn DialogQuestions that should be filtered or refined to determine the correct answer.
NodeFunctional objects used in flows to dictate the conversation as well as any business logic it needs to perform.
QueueA group of agents assigned to handle a particular set of issues or types of incoming customers.
Quick ReplyThe set of buttons that customers can directly choose to respond to the virtual agent.
Redirect NodeA flow node used to link to other flows.
Response NodeA flow node used to configure virtual agent responses, send deeplinks, and classify what customers say in return.
Response RoutesOn a response node, the set of routes defined to classify a customer response and branch accordingly. Users will define the training data and quick reply text for each type of response.
Routing (within flows)On any given node, the set of rules that determine what node the virtual agent should execute next.
Self-ServeRegarding the virtual agent, self-serve refers to cases where the virtual agent helps a customer resolve their issue without the need for human agent intervention.
Semantic Response Score (SRS)Options presented at the end of a flow to help gauge whether or not the virtual agent met the customer’s needs.
UserRefers to the user of AI-Console. Users of the chat experience are referred to as “customers.”
Vague UtteranceCustomer utterances characterized by having broad, but still distinct meaning ( e.g. “Phone issue”). This is contrasted from “ambiguous” utterances which are characterized by having multiple distinct meanings like “My battery died.”
Virtual AgentThe ASAPP “Virtual agent” is chat-based, multi-channel artificial intelligence that can understand customer issues, offer self-service options, and connect customers with live agents when necessary.

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