
ASAPP is introducing the Knowledge Base Article Submission API to GenerativeAgent, aimed at enabling users the ability to programmatically add and modify articles and large data sources within the GenerativeAgent Knowledge Base

The Knowledge Base Article Submission API offers an alternative to the manual creation of article snippets and the import url options in the Knowledge Base tooling. This feature is especially beneficial for large data sources that are not easily scrapped, like articles that live within a Content Management System.

The API key benefits are:

  • Programmatic Article Management: Add or update articles without manual entry
  • Manual Review Process: All submissions undergo human review in the ASAPP AI-Console UI
  • Flexible Submission: Allows customers to choose between manual or API submission
  • Content Management System (CMS) Compatibility: Easily import articles from various sources

Article Submission API

Learn more about the API in the API Reference.

Use and Impact

Article submission via API streamlines the integration of large data sources into GenerativeAgent’s Knowledge Base.

The Article Submission API enables:

  1. The inclusion of articles that exist in non-public content management systems
  2. More programmatic control over article details and metadata, without requiring that users configure metadata within the GenerativeAgent Knowledge Base tooling.

How it works

  1. Users configure their API credentials to use the GenerativeAgent Knowledge Base Submission API.
  2. Users initiate a request to add or update an article via API with:
    • Article details
    • Metadata
  3. The Article Submission API processes the submission.
  4. Articles require human review and approval in the ASAPP AI-Console UI before they are published.
  5. Upon approval, articles become available in the Knowledge Base
  6. Users can:
    • Edit article fields (e.g. metadata)
    • Test the articles reference by GenerativeAgent via Previewer
  7. Articles are ready for deployment into sandbox or production via the Deploy button in AI-Console


  1. Can I use the API to get the articles that already exist in the GenerativeAgent Knowledge Base?
    • Yes, the API allows you to retrieve articles that were submitted via the API from the GenerativeAgent Knowledge Base using the articles endpoint. You can access details of specific articles by their unique identifiers, including:
      • Title
      • Content
      • Metadata
  2. How do I remove articles from the KB?
    • Currently, the API does not directly support the removal of articles from the Knowledge Base.
    • To remove or archive articles, use the ASAPP AI-Console UI tooling to manage the Knowledge Base content.
  3. What if my submission contains an error or is denied?
    • If there is an error in your submission, the API will return an appropriate error code indicating the issue.
    • Submissions must be reviewed and approved through the ASAPP AI-Console UI before they are published.
    • If a submission is denied, you can adjust the content and resubmit it for review.
  4. What are my articles different in the GenerativeAgent Knowledge Base tooling from what I submitted?
    • Currently, GenerativeAgent cleans the articles upon ingestion. This aids with clarity and better suits the article for use in a GenerativeAgent question-answering.
  5. Do I have to manually review and accept articles every time I submit them with the API
    • Currently, yes.
    • However, ASAPP will soon release an option to bypass the review process for users who want to skip this step and have their articles immediately available for use in production.

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