Feature Release

This is the announcement for an upcoming ASAPP feature. Your ASAPP account team will provide a target release date and can direct you to more detailed information as needed.


The S3 data table rep_assignment_disposition will include a new field called auto_summary_txt that shows the automatically generated summary text submitted in Agent Desk for a given assignment. The field disposition_notes_txt will remain and continue to show any free-text disposition notes submitted by the agent.

Use and Impact

The auto_summary_txt field will be present for all customers, though it will only show a value if AutoSummary (formerly called Automatic Summaries) is enabled in Agent Desk.

The auto_summary_txt field will always be present if AutoSummary is enabled, regardless of the underlying model used to generate summaries.

Providing AutoSummary data outside the agent experience gives contact center teams a consistent, high-coverage data source for key events that occur in the conversation. This data source serves as a succinct conversation description for quality assurance purposes that doesn’t require teams to read entire transcripts, particularly when manual disposition notes are missing or incomplete.

How It Works

Expected Output When AutoSummary is enabled, the auto_summary_txt shows a string containing each sentence of the automatically generated summary successively in a paragraph, in the order the key events occurred in the conversation. The disposition_notes_txt field will show any additional notes as a string.

auto_summary_txtCustomer chatted in for help with using their flight credit. Customer explained they were unable to use the credit because their reservation was on hold. Agent explained the customer would need to set the ticket on hold again. Agent informed the customer that they would have to accept voluntary changes to the reservation made under the confirmation code ejzqxr. Agent was unable to help the customer with the booking.
disposition_notes_txtpax wanted to make payment using flight credit / informed pax to proceed with vol changes // pax denied
Agent Edits
When AutoSummary presents a bulleted summary to agents at disposition time, the agent can choose to remove any bullet before submitting their disposition for the assignment. Removed parts of the summary are not included in auto_summary_text.


  1. When will auto_summary_text have a value? For any assignment where the agent submitted one or more bullets of an automatically generated summary. If an agent removes every bullet in the summary, the auto_summary_text field will be empty. If AutoSummary is not enabled, the auto_summary_text field will be empty.
  2. Does the type of model used for AutoSummary affect the value in auto_summary_text? If AutoSummary is enabled, the auto_summary_text field will have a value regardless of the model used to generate the summary. The underlying model only affects the words used in the generated summary.
  3. How can I tell if AutoSummary is enabled? When the right-hand panel expands at disposition time, the Notes panel shows a bulleted automatic summary above a manual disposition field labeled Additional Notes. If AutoSummary is not yet enabled, the Notes panel contains summary tags that agents can manually select to be inserted into a manual disposition field below. For more information about the process to enable AutoSummary, reach out to your ASAPP account team.