Feature Release

This is an announcement for an upcoming ASAPP feature. Your ASAPP account team will provide a target release date and can direct you to more detailed information as needed.


This update to AutoSummary organizes free-text conversation summaries using the “3R’s”: 

  • Reason for contact
  • Resolution process
  • Result of the interaction

Use and Impact

This enhancement to AutoSummary supports the same use cases and situations as the current free-text summaries.

It is expected that grouping summary sentences by the “3Rs”  will reduce the cognitive load for end-users when reading historical disposition notes.

How It Works

Free-text summary sentences retrieved by AutoSummary will be grouped into reason, resolution, and result, with the beginning of each group denoted by the name of that group.

Comparison of Free-text Summaries to 3R Summaries

Free-text SummaryFree-text Summary with 3R Breakdown
Customer called in to cancel an account. Agent informed the customer that the account was for a business account. Agent explained that they did not have the correct account information and requested that the customer verify it. Agent provided the business department phone number.Reason: Customer called in to cancel an account. Resolution: Agent informed the customer that the account was for a business account. Agent explained that they did not have the correct account information and requested that the customer verify it. Result: Agent provided the business department phone number.
Customer called in to switch their phone plan from the unlimited plan to the starter plan. Agent informed the customer that there would be a two-day proration charge for the change. Agent adjusted the plan for the customer and informed them of their new monthly charge. Agent transferred the customer to the Starter plan.Reason: Customer called in to switch their phone plan from the unlimited plan to the starter plan. Resolution: Agent informed the customer that there would be a two-day proration charge for the change. Agent adjusted the plan for the customer and informed them of their new monthly charge. Result: Agent transferred the customer to the Starter plan.

On/Off Configuration

The 3R Breakdown enhancement to AutoSummary can be configured to be ON or OFF. Customers who don’t want this breakdown can continue receiving the consolidated paragraph that excludes reason, resolution, and result labeling.


  1. Do I need to make any changes on my integration with AutoSummary? No. This feature doesn’t modify API specs so it should work with your current integration. What’s changing is the content of the summary, which will now come with “R” labels at the beginning of each “R” group.
  2. What happens if there are multiple intents, i.e. multiple reasons for contact? There will be a single “Reason” group that will contain the summary sentences corresponding to those multiple intents. The resolution and result of each of those intents will live in the “Resolution” and “Result” groups. The order of the summary sentences will be determined by the chronology of events.
  3. Should we expect to see the three groups in every summary? No, for 3 reasons:
    • Not all conversations contain the 3Rs (e.g. ghost customer, abrupt ending, wrong queue, etc.)
    • Often times the “Result” is implicit (or explicit) in the “Resolution”
    • Machine Learning is not perfect. The model might miss the summary sentences of a category and/or miscategorize summary sentences
  4. Can we provide a structure/grouping different from the 3R one (e.g., STAR framework, 4 whys)? No. At present, the 3R breakdown is the only framework available.
  5. Can I assume that this particular response structure will be supported indefinitely? (So I could leverage the 3R format, for example, by extracting the Reason(s) for contact?) No. ASAPP reserves the right to change the presentation of the AutoSummary output within the constraints of the API definition. You should treat the output as free-text.