The tables below provide detailed information regarding the schema for exported data files that we can make available to you via the File Exporter API.

Table: autosummary_feedback

The autosummary feedback table stores summary text submitted by the agent after they have reviewed and edited it. This export will be sent daily and contains the hour for time zone conversion later.

Sync Time: 1d

Unique Condition: company_marker, conversation_id, summary_id

ColumnTypeDescriptionExampleAggregatesNotesDate AddedDate ModifiedIgnorePIIrelease stateSpecific UseFeature Group
instance_tstimestampThe time window of computed elements. This window is usually 15 minutes or 1 hour depending on the generation time. Times are rounded down to the nearest interval (for a time of 12:34 and an interval of 15m, this is 12:30). As an example, for a 15 minute interval an instance_ts of 12:30 implies events from 12:30 -> 12:45. All times are in UTC.2019-11-08 14:00:06.957000+00:00nocommon
conversation_idstringUnique identifier generated by the ASAPP application for the issue or conversation.ABC21352352nocommon
external_conversation_idVARCHAR(255)Client-provided issue identifier.vjs654nocommon
agent_idvarchar(255)The agent identifier in the conversation provided by the customer.cba321nocommon
summary_idVARCHAR(36)Unique identifier for AutoSummary feedback and free-text summary events57ffe572-e9dc-4546-963b-29d90b0d92a9noAutoSummary
autosummary_feedback_tstimestampThe timestamp of the autosummary_feedback_summary event.2023-05-01 14:00:09noAutoSummary
autosummary_feedbackstringText submitted with agent edits, summarizing the conversation from the autosummary freetext API call.Customer chatted in to check whether the app workednoAutoSummary
company_markervarchar(255)Identifier of the customer-company.agnosticnocommon
dtvarchar(255)Date string when summary feedback was submitted.2019-11-08nocommon
hrvarchar(255)Hour string when summary feedback was submitted.18nocommon

Table: autosummary_free_text

The autosummary free text table stores the raw output of ASAPP’s API. It is the unedited summary initially shown to the agent to be reviewed. This export will be sent daily and contains the hour for time zone conversion later.

Sync Time: 1d

Unique Condition: company_marker, conversation_id, summary_id

ColumnTypeDescriptionExampleAggregatesNotesDate AddedDate ModifiedIgnorePIIrelease stateSpecific UseFeature Group
instance_tstimestampThe time window of computed elements. This window is usually 15 minutes or 1 hour depending on the generation time. Times are rounded down to the nearest interval (for a time of 12:34 and an interval of 15m, this is 12:30). As an example, for a 15 minute interval an instance_ts of 12:30 implies events from 12:30 -> 12:45. All times are in UTC.2019-11-08 14:00:06.957000+00:00nocommon
conversation_idstringUnique identifier generated by the ASAPP application for the issue or conversation.ABC21352352nocommon
external_conversation_idVARCHAR(255)Client-provided issue identifier.vjs654nocommon
agent_idvarchar(255)The agent identifier in the conversation provided by the customer.cba321nocommon
summary_idVARCHAR(36)Unique identifier for AutoSummary feedback and free-text summary events57ffe572-e9dc-4546-963b-29d90b0d92a9noAutoSummary
autosummary_free_text_tstimestampThe timestamp of the autosummary_free_text_summary event.2023-05-01 14:00:09noAutoSummary
autosummary_free_textstringUnedited text summarizing the conversation at the time of the autosummary free text API call.Customer chatted in to check whether the app workednoAutoSummary
is_autosummary_feedback_usedintegerAn indicator that the AutoSummary had a feedback summary.1noAutoSummary
is_autosummary_feedback_editedintegerAn indicator that the AutoSummary had a feedback summary that was edited.0noAutoSummary
autosummary_free_text_lengthintegerLength of the FreeText AutoSummaries. Will only have a value when there is both freetext and feedback summaries.54noAutoSummary
autosummary_feedback_lengthintegerLength of the Feedback AutoSummaries. Will only have a value when there is both freetext and feedback summaries.54noAutoSummary
autosummary_levenshtein_distanceintegerLevenshtein edit distances between the AutoSummaries FreeText and Feedback. Will only have a value when there is both freetext and feedback summaries.0noAutoSummary
autosummary_sentences_removedstringautosummary_sentences_removed contain the sentenses that are generated in freetext summary and got edited or removed feedback summary.Customer called to pay their billnoAutoSummary
autosummary_sentences_addedstringautosummary_sentences_added contain the sentenses that are added as part of feedback summary in compared to freetext summary.Customer called to pay the billnoAutoSummary
company_markervarchar(255)Identifier of the customer-company.agnosticnocommon
dtvarchar(255)Date string when summary feedback was submitted.2019-11-08nocommon
hrvarchar(255)Hour string when summary feedback was submitted.18nocommon

Table: autosummary_structured_data

The autosummary structured data table stores the raw output of ASAPP’s API. These structured data outputs consist of LLM generated answers to yes/no questions along with extracted entities based on configuration settings. These outputs can be aggregated and packaged into business insights. This export will be sent daily and contains the hour for time zone conversion later.

Sync Time: 1d

Unique Condition: company_marker, conversation_id, structured_data_id, structured_data_field_id

ColumnTypeDescriptionExampleAggregatesNotesDate AddedDate ModifiedIgnorePIIrelease stateSpecific UseFeature Group
instance_tstimestampThe time window of computed elements. This window is usually 15 minutes or 1 hour depending on the generation time. Times are rounded down to the nearest interval (for a time of 12:34 and an interval of 15m, this is 12:30). As an example, for a 15 minute interval an instance_ts of 12:30 implies events from 12:30 -> 12:45. All times are in UTC.2019-11-08 14:00:06.957000+00:00nocommon
conversation_idstringUnique identifier generated by the ASAPP application for the issue or conversation.ABC21352352nocommon
external_conversation_idVARCHAR(255)Client-provided issue identifier.vjs654nocommon
agent_idvarchar(255)The agent identifier in the conversation provided by the customer.cba321nocommon
structured_data_idvarchar(36)Unique identifier for AutoSummary structured data event57ffe572-e9dc-4546-963b-29d90b0d92a9nocommon
structured_data_tstimestampThe timestamp of the autosummary_structured_data event.2023-05-01 14:00:09nocommon
structured_data_field_idvarchar(255)The structured data id.q_issue_escalatednocommon
structured_data_field_namevarchar(255)The structured data name.Issue escalatednocommon
structured_data_field_valuevarchar(255)The structured data value.Nonocommon
structured_data_field_categoryvarchar(255)The structured data category.Outcomenocommon
company_markervarchar(255)Identifier of the customer-company.agnosticnocommon
dtvarchar(255)Date string when summary structured data was generated.2019-11-08nocommon
hrvarchar(255)Hour string when summary structured data was generated.18nocommon

Table: contact_entity_generative_agent

hourly snapshot of contact grain generative_agent data including both dimensions and metrics aggregated over “all time” (two days in practice).

Sync Time: 1h

Unique Condition: company_marker, conversation_id, contact_id

ColumnTypeDescriptionExampleAggregatesNotesDate AddedDate ModifiedIgnorePIIrelease stateSpecific UseFeature Group
company_markerstringThe ASAPP identifier of the company or test data source.acme2025-01-06 00:00:002025-01-06 00:00:00no
conversation_idstringUnique identifier generated by the ASAPP application for the issue or conversation.ABC213523522025-01-06 00:00:002025-01-06 00:00:00no
contact_idstring2025-01-06 00:00:002025-01-06 00:00:00no
instance_tstimestampThe time window of computed elements. This window is usually 15 minutes or 1 hour depending on the generation time. Times are rounded down to the nearest interval (for a time of 12:34 and an interval of 15m, this is 12:30). As an example, for a 15 minute interval an instance_ts of 12:30 implies events from 12:30 -> 12:45. All times are in UTC.2019-11-08 14:00:06.957000+00:002025-01-06 00:00:002025-01-06 00:00:00no
generative_agent_turns__turn_ctintNumber of turns.12025-01-06 00:00:002025-01-06 00:00:00no
generative_agent_turns__turn_duration_ms_sumbigintTotal number of milliseconds between PROCESSING_START and PROCESSING_END across all turns.22025-01-06 00:00:002025-01-06 00:00:00no
generative_agent_turns__utterance_ctintNumber of generative_agent utterances.22025-01-06 00:00:002025-01-06 00:00:00no
generative_agent_turns__contains_escalationbooleanBoolean indicating the presence of a turn in the conversation that ended with an indication to escalate to a human agent.12025-01-06 00:00:002025-01-06 00:00:00no
generative_agent_turns__is_containedbooleanBoolean indicating whether or not the conversation was contained (NOT generative_agent_turns__contains_escalation).12025-01-06 00:00:002025-01-06 00:00:00no
generative_agent_tasks__first_task_namevarchar(255)Name of the first task entered by generative_agent.SomethingElse2025-01-06 00:00:002025-01-06 00:00:00no
generative_agent_tasks__last_task_namevarchar(255)Name of the last task entered by generative_agent.SomethingElse2025-01-06 00:00:002025-01-06 00:00:00no
generative_agent_tasks__task_ctintNumber of tasks entered by generative_agent.22025-01-06 00:00:002025-01-06 00:00:00no
generative_agent_tasks__configuration_idvarchar(255)The configuration version that produced generative_agent actions.4ea5b399-f969-49c6-8318-e2c39a98e8172025-01-06 00:00:002025-01-06 00:00:00no

Table: staging_conversation_state

This issue-grain table provides a consolidated view of metrics produced across multiple ASAPP services for a given issue. The table is populated daily and includes hour-level data for time zone conversion.

Sync Time: 1d

Unique Condition: company_marker, conversation_id, dt, hr

ColumnTypeDescriptionExampleAggregatesNotesDate AddedDate ModifiedIgnorePIIrelease stateSpecific UseFeature Group
conversation_idtimestampUnique identifier generated by the ASAPP application for the issue or conversation.ABC21352352noConversation
instance_tstimestampThe time window of computed elements. This window is usually 15 minutes or 1 hour depending on the generation time. Times are rounded down to the nearest interval (for a time of 12:34 and an interval of 15m, this is 12:30). As an example, for a 15 minute interval an instance_ts of 12:30 implies events from 12:30 -> 12:45. All times are in UTC.2019-11-08 14:00:06.957000+00:00noConversation
first_event_tstimestampTimestamp of the first event associated with the conversation_id.2018-06-23 21:28:23noConversation
conversation_start_tstimestampTimestamp indicating the start of the conversation as provided by the customer; this will be null if is not provided or conversation started on a previous day. Alternative timestamps include the customer_first_utterance_ts and agent_first_response_ts timestamps or the first_event_ts (earliest time for ASAPP involvement).2019-11-08 14:00:07noConversation
external_conversation_idVARCHAR(255)The conversation id provided by the customer.750068130001noConversation
conversation_customer_effective_tstimestampThe timestamp of the last change to the customer_id provided by the customer.2019-11-08 14:00:07noConversation
customer_idvarchar(255)The customer identifier provided by the customer.abc123noConversation
conversation_agent_effective_tstimestampThe timestamp of the last change to the agent_id provided by the customer.2019-11-08 14:00:07noConversation
last_agent_idvarchar(191)The last agent identifier in the conversation provided by the customer.abc123noConversation
all_agent_idsA list of all the agent identifiers within the conversation provided by the customer.[abc123,abc456]noConversation
customer_utterance_ctCount of all customer messages.5noConversation
agent_utterance_ctCount of all agent messages.16noConversation
customer_first_utterance_tstimestampTimestamp of the first customer utterance.2019-11-08 14:00:07noConversation
agent_first_utterance_tsTimestamp of the first agent utterance.2019-11-08 14:00:07noConversation
customer_last_utterance_tstimestampTimestamp of the last customer utterance.2019-11-08 14:00:07noConversation
agent_last_utterance_tsTimestamp of the last agent utterance.2019-11-08 14:00:07noConversation
autosuggest_utterance_ctCount of utterances where AutoSuggest was used.6noAutoCompose
autocomplete_utterance_ctCount of utterances where AutoComplete was used.2noAutoCompose
phrase_autocomplete_utterance_ctCount of utterances where Phrase AutoComplete was used.0noAutoCompose
custom_drawer_utterance_ctCount of utterances where Custom Drawer was used.1noAutoCompose
custom_insert_utterance_ctCount of utterances where Custom Insert was used.0noAutoCompose
global_insert_utterance_ctCount of utterances where Global Insert was used.1noAutoCompose
fluency_apply_utterance_ctCount of utterances where Fluency Apply was used.0noAutoCompose
fluency_undo_utterance_ctCount of utterances where Fluency Undo was used.0noAutoCompose
autosummary_structured_summary_tags_event_tstimestampThe timestamp of the last autosummary_structured_summary_tags event.2019-11-08 14:00:07noAutoSummary
autosummary_tagsstringComma-separated list of tags or codes indicating key topics of this conversation.{"server":"some-server","server_version":"unknown"}noAutoSummary
autosummary_free_text_summary_event_tstimestampThe timestamp of the last autosummary_free_text_summary event.2019-11-08 14:00:07noAutoSummary
autosummary_textstringText summarizing the conversation.Unresponsive Customer.noAutoSummary
is_autosummary_structured_summary_tags_usedAn indicator that the conversation had AutoSummary structured summary tags. When aggregating from conversation by day to conversation use MAX().1noAutoSummary
is_autosummary_free_text_summary_usedAn indicator that the conversations had AutoSummary free text summary. When aggregating from conversation by day to conversation use MAX().1noAutoSummary
is_autosummary_feedback_usedintAn indicator that the conversation had AutoSummary feedback summary. When aggregating from conversation by day to conversation use MAX().1noAutoSummary
is_autosummary_usedAn indicator that the conversation that had any response (tag, free text, feedback) in Autosummary. When aggregating from conversation by day to conversation use MAX().1noAutoSummary
is_autosummary_feedback_editedintAn indicator that the conversation had at least one AutoSummary that received Feedback with an edited summary. When aggregating from conversation by day to conversation use MAX().1noConversation
autosummary_feedback_ctbigintCount of AutoSummaries that received Feedback for the conversation.4noConversation
autosummary_feedback_edited_ctbigintCount of AutoSummaries that received edited Feedback for the conversation.3noConversation
autosummary_free_text_length_sumbigintSum of the length of all the FreeText AutoSummaries for the conversation.80noConversation
autosummary_feedback_length_sumbigintSum of the length of all the Feedback AutoSummaries for the conversation.120noConversation
autosummary_levenshtein_distance_sumbigintSum of the Levenshtein edit distances between the AutoSummaries FreeText and Feedback.40noConversation
first_intent_effective_tstimestampThe timestamp of the last first_intent event.2019-11-08 14:00:07noJourneyInsight
first_intent_message_idstringThe id of the message that was sent with the first intent.01GA9V1F2B7Q4Y8REMRZ2SXVRTnoJourneyInsight
first_intent_intent_codestringThe intent code associated with the rule that was sent as the first intent within the conversation.INCOMPLETEnoJourneyInsight
first_intent_intent_namestringThe intent name correspondent to the intent_code that was sent as the first intent within the conversation.INCOMPLETEnoJourneyInsight
first_intent_is_known_goodbooleanIndicates if the classification for the first_intent data comes from a known good.FALSEnoJourneyInsight
conversation_metadata_effective_tstimestampThe timestamp of the last conversation metadata2019-11-08 14:00:07noMetadata
conversation_metadata_lob_idstringLine of business ID from Conversation Metadata1038noMetadata
conversation_metadata_lob_namestringLine of business descriptive name from Conversation MetadatamanufacturingnoMetadata
conversation_metadata_agent_group_idstringAgent group ID from Conversation Metadatagroup59noMetadata
conversation_metadata_agent_group_namestringAgent group descriptive name from Conversation MetadatagroupXYZnoMetadata
conversation_metadata_agent_routing_codestringAgent routing attribute from Conversation Metadataroute-13988noMetadata
conversation_metadata_campaignstringCampaign from Conversation Metadatacampaign-AnoMetadata
conversation_metadata_device_typestringClient device type from Conversation MetadataTABLETnoMetadata
conversation_metadata_platformstringClient platform type from Conversation MetadataIOSnoMetadata
conversation_metadata_company_segment[]stringCompany segment from Conversation Metadata[“Sales”,“Marketing”]noMetadata
conversation_metadata_company_subdivisionstringCompany subdivision from Conversation MetadataoperatingnoMetadata
conversation_metadata_business_rulestringBusiness rule from Conversation MetadataApply customer’s discountnoMetadata
conversation_metadata_entry_typestringType of entry from Conversation Metadata, e.g., proactive vs reactivereactivenoMetadata
conversation_metadata_operating_systemstringOperating system from Conversation MetadataOPERATING_SYSTEM_MAC_OSnoMetadata
conversation_metadata_browser_typestringBrowser type from Conversation MetadataSafarinoMetadata
conversation_metadata_browser_versionstringBrowser version from Conversation Metadata14.1.2noMetadata
contact_journey_contact_idstring(NULLIFIED) Conversation Contact IDnoContact
contact_journey_last_conversation_inactive_tstimestampLast time the conversation went inactive (may be limited to voice conversations)2023-06-11 18:45:29noContact
contact_journey_first_contact_utterance_tstimestampFirst utterance in the contact2023-06-11 18:32:21noContact
contact_journey_last_contact_utterance_tstimestampLast utterance in the contact2023-06-11 18:40:29noContact
contact_journey_contact_start_tstimestampFirst event in the contact2023-06-11 18:30:29noContact
contact_journey_contact_end_tstimestampLast event in the contact2023-06-11 18:58:29noContact
aug_metrics_effective_tstimestampTimestamp of the last augmentation metrics event”2023-08-09T19:21:34.224620050Z”noAutoCompose
augmented_utterances_ctCount of all utterances that used any augmentation feature (excluding fluency)100noAutoCompose
multiple_augmentation_features_used_ctCount utterances where multiple augmentation features (excluding fluency) were used100noAutoCompose
autosuggest_ctCount of utterances where only AutoSuggest augmentation is used (excluding fluency)100noAutoCompose
autocomplete_ctCount of utterances where only AutoComplete augmentation is used (excluding fluency)100noAutoCompose
phrase_autocomplete_ctCount of utterances where only Phrase AutoComplete augmentation is used (excluding fluency)100noAutoCompose
custom_drawer_ctCount of utterances where only Custom Drawer augmentation is used (excluding fluency)100noAutoCompose
custom_insert_ctCount of utterances where only Custom Insert augmentation is used (excluding fluency)100noAutoCompose
global_insert_ctCount of utterances where only Global Insert augmentation is used (excluding fluency)100noAutoCompose
unknown_augmentation_ctCount of utterances where only an unidentified augmentation was used (excluding fluency)100noAutoCompose
fluency_apply_ctCount of utterances where Fluency Apply augmentation is used100noAutoCompose
fluency_undo_ctCount of utterances where Fluency Undo augmentation is used100noAutoCompose
message_edits_ctbigintTotal accumulated sum of the number of characters entered or deleted by the user and not by augmentation, after the most recent augmentation that replaces all text in the composer (AUTOSUGGEST, AUTOCOMPLETE, CUSTOM_DRAWER). If the agent selected a suggestion and sends without any changes, this number is 0.100noAutoCompose
time_to_action_secondsfloatTotal accumulated sum of the number of seconds between the agent sending their previous message and their first action for composing this message.100noAutoCompose
crafting_time_secondsfloatTotal accumulated sum of the number of seconds between the agent’s first action and last action for composing this message.100noAutoCompose
dwell_time_secondsfloatTotal accumulated sum of the number of seconds between the agent’s last action for composing this message and the message being sent100noAutoCompose
phrase_autocomplete_presented_ctbigintTotal accumulated sum of the number of phrase autocomplete suggestions presented to the agent. Resets when augmentation_type resets100noAutoCompose
phrase_autocomplete_selected_ctbigintTotal accumulated sum of the number of phrase autocomplete suggestions selected by the agent. Resets when augmentation_type resets.100noAutoCompose
single_intent_effective_tstimestampThe timestamp of the last single intent event.2019-11-08 14:00:07no
single_intent_intent_codestringIntent codeCHECK_COVERAGEno
single_intent_intent_namestringIntent nameCheck Coverageno
single_intent_messages_considered_ctbigintHow many utterances were consided to calculate a single intent code.2no
company_markerstringIdentifier of the customer-company.agnosticnoConversation
dtstringDate string representing the date during which the conversation state happened.2019-11-08noConversation
hrstringHour string representing the hour during which the conversation state happened.18noConversation

Table: staging_utterance_state

This utterance-grain table contains insights for individual conversation messages. Each record in this dataset represents an individual utterance, or message, within a conversation. The table is populated daily and includes hour-level data for time zone conversion purposes.

Sync Time: 1d

Unique Condition: company_marker, conversation_id, message_id

ColumnTypeDescriptionExampleAggregatesNotesDate AddedDate ModifiedIgnorePIIrelease stateSpecific UseFeature Group
conversation_idstringUnique identifier generated by the ASAPP application for the issue or conversation.ABC21352352noConversation
message_idstringThis is the ULID id of a given message.01GASGE3WAG84BGARCS238Z0FGnoConversation
instance_tstimestampThe time window of computed elements. This window is usually 15 minutes or 1 hour depending on the generation time. Times are rounded down to the nearest interval (for a time of 12:34 and an interval of 15m, this is 12:30). As an example, for a 15 minute interval an instance_ts of 12:30 implies events from 12:30 -> 12:45. All times are in UTC.2019-11-08 14:00:06.957000+00:00noConversation
chat_message_event_tstimestampThe timestamp of the last chat_message event.2018-06-23 21:28:23noConversation
external_conversation_idVARCHAR(255)The issue or conversation id from the customer/client perspective.ffe8a632-545f-4c2e-a0ae-c296e6ad4a22noConversation
sender_typestringThe type of sender.SENDER_CUSTOMERnoConversation
sender_idstringUnique identifier of the sender user.ffe8a632-545f-4c2e-a0ae-c296e6ad4a25noConversation
private_message_ctbigintNumber of private messages, a private message is only when it was between agents/admins not the customer.1noConversation
tagsstringKey-value map of additional properties.noConversation
utterance_augmentations_effective_tstimestampThe timestamp of the last utterance_augmentations event.2018-06-23 21:28:23noAutoCompose
augmentation_type_liststringDEPRECATED Type of augmentation used. If multiple augmentations were used, a comma-separated list of types.AUTOSUGGEST,AUTOCOMPLETEnoAutoCompose
num_edits_ctbigintNumber of edits made to an augmented message.2noAutoCompose
selected_suggestion_textstringDEPRECATED The text inserted into the composer by the last augmentation that replaced all text (AUTOSUGGEST,Hi. How may I help you?noAutoCompose
time_to_action_secondsfloatNumber of seconds between the agent sending their previous message and their first action for composing3.286noAutoCompose
crafting_time_secondsfloatNumber of seconds between the agent’s first action and last action for composing this message.0.0noAutoCompose
dwell_time_secondsfloatNumber of seconds between the agent’s last action for composing this message and the message being sent.0.844noAutoCompose
phrase_autocomplete_presented_ctbigintNumber of phrase autocomplete suggestions presented to the agent.1noAutoCompose
phrase_autocomplete_selected_ctbigintNumber of phrase autocomplete suggestions selected by the agent.0noAutoCompose
utterance_message_metrics_effective_tstimestampThe timestamp of the last utterance_message_metrics event.2018-06-23 21:28:23noConversation
utterance_lengthintLength of utterance message.13noConversation
agent_metadata_effective_tstimestampThe timestamp of the last agent_metadata event.2018-06-23 21:28:23noConversation
agent_metadata_external_agent_idstringThe external rep/agent identifier.abc123noConversation
agent_metadata_event_tstimestampThe timestamp of when this event happened (system driven).2018-06-23 21:28:23noConversation
agent_metadata_start_tstimestampThe timestamp of when the agent started.2018-06-23 21:28:23noConversation
agent_metadata_lob_idstringLine of business id.lobId_7noConversation
agent_metadata_lob_namestringLine of business descriptive name.lobName_7noConversation
agent_metadata_group_idstringGroup id.groupId_7noConversation
agent_metadata_group_namestringGroup descriptive name.groupName_7noConversation
agent_metadata_locationstringAgent’s supervisor Id.supervisorId_7noConversation
agent_metadata_languagesstringAgent’s languages.[{"value":"en-us"}]noConversation
agent_metadata_concurrencyintNumber of issues that the agent can take at a time.3noConversation
agent_metadata_category_labelstringAn agent category label that indicates the types of workflows these agents have access to or problems they solve.categoryLabel_7noConversation
agent_metadata_account_access_levelstringAgent levels mapping to the level of access they have to make changes to customer accounts.accountAccessLevel_7noConversation
agent_metadata_rankingintAgent’s rank.2noConversation
agent_metadata_vendorstringAgent’s vendor.vendor_7noConversation
agent_metadata_job_titlestringAgent’s job title.jobTitle_7noConversation
agent_metadata_job_rolestringAgent’s role.jobRole_7noConversation
agent_metadata_work_shiftstringThe hours or shift name they work.workShift_7noConversation
agent_metadata_attributes_attr_01_namestringName of the arbitrary attribute (not indexed or used internally, used as pass through).namenoConversation
agent_metadata_attributes_attr_01_valuestringValue of the arbitrary attribute (not indexed or used internally, used as pass through).attr1_namenoConversation
agent_metadata_attributes_attr_02_namestringName of the arbitrary attribute (not indexed or used internally, used as pass through).namenoConversation
agent_metadata_attributes_attr_02_valuestringValue of the arbitrary attribute (not indexed or used internally, used as pass through).attr2_namenoConversation
agent_metadata_attributes_attr_03_namestringName of the arbitrary attribute (not indexed or used internally, used as pass through).namenoConversation
agent_metadata_attributes_attr_03_valuestringValue of the arbitrary attribute (not indexed or used internally, used as pass through).attr3_namenoConversation
agent_metadata_attributes_attr_04_namestringName of the arbitrary attribute (not indexed or used internally, used as pass through).namenoConversation
agent_metadata_attributes_attr_04_valuestringValue of the arbitrary attribute (not indexed or used internally, used as pass through).attr4_namenoConversation
agent_metadata_attributes_attr_05_namestringName of the arbitrary attribute (not indexed or used internally, used as pass through).namenoConversation
agent_metadata_attributes_attr_05_valuestringValue of the arbitrary attribute (not indexed or used internally, used as pass through).attr5_namenoConversation
agent_metadata_attributes_attr_06_namestringName of the arbitrary attribute (not indexed or used internally, used as pass through).namenoConversation
agent_metadata_attributes_attr_06_valuestringValue of the arbitrary attribute (not indexed or used internally, used as pass through).attr6_namenoConversation
agent_metadata_attributes_attr_07_namestringName of the arbitrary attribute (not indexed or used internally, used as pass through).namenoConversation
agent_metadata_attributes_attr_07_valuestringValue of the arbitrary attribute (not indexed or used internally, used as pass through).attr7_namenoConversation
agent_metadata_attributes_attr_08_namestringName of the arbitrary attribute (not indexed or used internally, used as pass through).namenoConversation
agent_metadata_attributes_attr_08_valuestringValue of the arbitrary attribute (not indexed or used internally, used as pass through).attr8_namenoConversation
agent_metadata_attributes_attr_09_namestringName of the arbitrary attribute (not indexed or used internally, used as pass through).namenoConversation
agent_metadata_attributes_attr_09_valuestringValue of the arbitrary attribute (not indexed or used internally, used as pass through).attr9_namenoConversation
agent_metadata_attributes_attr_10_namestringName of the arbitrary attribute (not indexed or used internally, used as pass through).namenoConversation
agent_metadata_attributes_attr_10_valuestringValue of the arbitrary attribute (not indexed or used internally, used as pass through).attr10_namenoConversation
augmented_utterances_ctintCount of all utterances that used any augmentation feature (excluding fluency)1noAutoCompose
multiple_augmentation_features_used_ctintCount utterances where multiple augmentation features (excluding fluency) were used.1noAutoCompose
autosuggest_ctintCount of utterances where only AutoSuggest augmentation is used (excluding fluency)1noAutoCompose
autocomplete_ctintCount of utterances where only AutoComplete augmentation is used (excluding fluency)1noAutoCompose
phrase_autocomplete_ctintCount of utterances where only Phrase AutoComplete augmentation is used (excluding fluency)1noAutoCompose
custom_drawer_ctintCount of utterances where only Custom Drawer augmentation is used (excluding fluency)1noAutoCompose
custom_insert_ctintCount of utterances where only Custom Insert augmentation is used (excluding fluency)1noAutoCompose
global_insert_ctintCount of utterances where only Global Insert augmentation is used (excluding fluency)1noAutoCompose
unknown_augmentation_ctintCount of utterances where only an unidentified augmentation was used (excluding fluency)1noAutoCompose
fluency_apply_ctintCount of utterances where Fluency Apply augmentation is used1noAutoCompose
fluency_undo_ctintCount of utterances where Fluency Undo augmentation is used1noAutoCompose
company_markerstringIdentifier of the customer-company.agnosticnoConversation
dtstringDate string representing the date during which the utterance state happened.2018-06-23noConversation
hrstringHour string representing the hour during which the utterance state happened.21noConversation

Table: utterances

This S3 captures raw utterances, enabling customers to map message IDs and metadata to specific utterances. Each record in this feed represents an individual message within a conversation, providing utterance-level insights. The feed remains minimal and secure, including a comprehensive mapping of message IDs to their corresponding utterances, information not available in the utterance state file. For security purposes, this feed will only be accessible externally, retaining a maximum of 32 days of data before purging. The feed will be exported daily, with time-stamped data for time zone conversion.

Sync Time: 1d

Unique Condition: company_marker, conversation_id, message_id

ColumnTypeDescriptionExampleAggregatesNotesDate AddedDate ModifiedIgnorePIIrelease stateSpecific UseFeature Group
conversation_idstringUnique identifier generated by the ASAPP application for the issue or conversation.ABC21352352noConversation
message_idThis is the ULID id of a given message.01GASGE3WAG84BGARCS238Z0FGnoConversation
instance_tstimestampThe time window of computed elements. This window is usually 15 minutes or 1 hour depending on the generation time. Times are rounded down to the nearest interval (for a time of 12:34 and an interval of 15m, this is 12:30). As an example, for a 15 minute interval an instance_ts of 12:30 implies events from 12:30 -> 12:45. All times are in UTC.2019-11-08 14:00:06.957000+00:00noConversation
chat_message_event_tsThe timestamp of the last chat_message event.2018-06-23 21:28:23noConversation
external_conversation_idVARCHAR(255)The issue or conversation id from the customer/client perspective.ffe8a632-545f-4c2e-a0ae-c296e6ad4a22noConversation
utteranceText of the utterance message.Hello, I need to talk to an agentnoConversation
company_markerstringIdentifier of the customer-company.agnosticnoConversation
dtstringDate string representing the date during which the utterance state happened.2018-06-23noConversation
hrstringHour string representing the hour during which the utterance state happened.21noConversation
Last Updated: 2025-01-16 06:37:08 UTC