Certain chat flows may present buttons that are deep links to another part of your app. To react to taps on these buttons, implement the ASAPPDelegate protocol, including the chatViewControlledDidTapDeepLink(name:data:) method. Please ask your Implementation Manager if you have questions regarding deep link names and data.

Certain chat flows may present buttons that are web links. To react to taps on these buttons, implement the ASAPPDelegate protocol, including the chatViewControllerShouldHandleWebLink(url:) method. Return true if the ASAPP SDK should open the link in an SFSafariViewController; return false if you’d like to handle it instead.

Getting Started

Please see Apple’s documentation on Allowing Apps and Websites to Link to Your Content.

Connect the Pieces

Once you have set up a custom URL scheme for your app, you can detect links pointing to ASAPP chat within application(_:open:options:). Call one of the four provided methods to create an ASAPP chat view controller:
