Feature Release

This is the announcement for an upcoming ASAPP feature. Your ASAPP account team will provide a target release date and can direct you to more detailed information as needed.


Sending a prompt and personalized greeting message is critical to making a great first impression with a newly assigned customer. However, at the moment of assignment, agents are often in the middle of other important tasks. Switching context to get caught up on the conversation can be disruptive to the agent’s productivity.

With Auto-Pilot Greetings for AutoCompose, agents can configure an adaptive greeting message which will auto-send upon issue assignment following a configurable timeout period. The greeting can optionally use the customer’s first name when it’s available.

Agents retain control of the feature --- they can turn Auto-Pilot Greetings on/off for themselves, individualize their automatically composed greeting messages, and intervene to either cancel or send the message immediately.

Auto-Pilot Greetings for AutoCompose in Salesforce Lightning agent experience

Use and Impact

Auto-Pilot Greetings automates agents’ initial interaction with customers, freeing them for higher value tasks.

AutoCompose’s Auto-Pilot Greetings is intended to reduce an agent’s average response time across concurrent issues by freeing up their attention, and ultimately reducing average handle time.

How It Works

For each conversation, Auto-Pilot Greetings follows a simple sequence:

  1. Customer enters the chat
  2. Auto-Pilot Greeting message and countdown timer appears above the composer
  3. Timer counts down to zero
  4. Greeting message is sent


Global On/Off

  • This setting configures whether Auto-Pilot Greetings will be enabled or disabled for all agents.
  • Customers must reach out to their ASAPP contact to configure Auto-Pilot Greetings globally for their program.

Global Default Auto-Pilot Greeting Messages

  • Two default Auto-Pilot Greetings messages must be configured: one version where the customer’s name is known and one where the customer’s name is not known.
  • Customers must reach out to their ASAPP contact to configure Global Default Auto-Pilot Greeting messages.

Agent Specific Auto-Pilot Greeting Messages and On / Off Settings

  • Agents can optionally customize the Auto-Pilot Greeting messages composed on their behalf, and use their individualized messages in lieu of the global default messages; often agents include their name in their customized messages. Additionally, they can toggle whether Auto-Pilot Greetings is on or off for themselves by default.

  • If using AutoCompose for Salesforce or LivePerson, agents configure customized messages and the on / off setting themselves through the Auto-Pilots tab of their AutoCompose panel.

    This agent functionality can also be enabled via API for custom implementations of AutoCompose.

Countdown Timer

  • The countdown timer is the amount of time after a customer enters the chat before an Auto-Pilot Greeting is sent. A countdown timer will display to the agent notifying them of the time remaining before auto-sending.
  • Customers must reach out to their ASAPP contact to set an appropriate countdown timer value, which will apply across their AutoCompose implementation.


  • What are best practices for Auto-Pilot Greetings?

    ASAPP recommends setting the default message to include questions that agents often need to ask in the beginning of a call to resolve a dispute. For example:

*“Hi, [NAME]. This is Robert and I’m happy to assist you today. So I can best help you, can you please provide me with your account number and a description of your issue?”

Furthermore, ASAPP recommends setting a countdown timer value in the range of 10-15 seconds. Too long of a default may increase handle times. Too short of a default may not give an agent a chance to cancel the Auto-Pilot Greeting should they so desire.