Performance - ‘Right Now’ Metrics

Metric nameDefinition
OfferedThe number of conversations that are currently connected with an agent or waiting in the queue.
Assigned to AgentThe number of conversations where a customer is currently talking to a live agent.
Timed out by AgentOnly available as a current period metric for the day.
QueuedThe number of customers who are waiting in the queue to be connected to an agent.
Queued - Eligible for AssignmentThe number of customers who are waiting in the queue, received a check-in message, and replied to it.
Max Queue TimeThe actual wait time of the customer who is positioned last in the given queue.
Average Wait TimeThe average queue time for all customers who are currently assigned to an agent or waiting in the queue, including ‘zero-time’ for customers directly assigned to an agent when there were available slots.
Average Time in QueueThe average queue time for all customers who are currently waiting in the queue.
Average Time to AssignThe average queue time for all customers who are currently assigned to an agent, including ‘zero-time’ for customers directly assigned to an agent when there were available slots.
Queue AbandonsOnly available as a current period metric for the day.
Average Abandon Queue TimeOnly available as a current period metric for the day.
Queue Abandonment RateOnly available as a current period metric for the day.
Average Agent Response TimeThe average amount of time to respond to a customer message across the assignment for agents who are currently handling chats.
Average Agent First Response TimeThe average amount of time to send the first line to a customer after the chat was assigned for agents who are currently handling chats.
Average Handle TimeThe time spent across all current chats by an agent per assignment starting from when the chat was assigned to when it is dispositioned.
Active SlotsA ratio of the number of currently active conversations to number of concurrent slots for agents who are in an Active status or actively handling chats.
OccupancyThe percentage of currently assigned chats to the number of agents with slots set to active.
ConcurrencyThe percentage of currently assigned chats to the number of agents with currently assigned chats.
Logged In AgentsThe number of agents currently logged in to Agent Desk.
Active and Away AgentsThe number of agents with an active-type and away-type label respectively.
Agent StatusThe number of agents with each status label.

Agent Metrics

Metric nameDefinition
Agent NameName of the agent currently logged in to Agent Desk. Agents currently handling assignments have their names underlined. On click, the agent’s current assignments display in the ‘Conversations’ tab.
Agent StatusName of the status selected by the agent in Agent Desk. Green labels represent Available statuses, while orange labels represent Away statuses.
Time in StatusThe time an agent has spent in the currently displayed status.
Average Handle timeThe time spent across all current assignments, starting from when the chat was assigned to when it is dispositioned, for a given agent.
Average Response TimeThe average amount of time to respond to a customer message across all current assignments for a given agent.
AssignmentsThe number of assignments an agent is currently handling.

Conversation Metrics

Metric nameDefinition
Issue IDUnique conversation identifier assigned to a customer intent.
Agent NameName of the agents handling the conversation.
ChannelChannel the customer is engaging with.
IntentLast detected intent prior to the user being assigned to the queue.
Queue MembershipQueue the issue was assigned to based on intent classification and queue routing rules.
Time AssignedTime the conversation was assigned to an agent.
Handle TimeCurrent handle time of the conversation.
Average Response TimeAverage time it takes an agent to reply to customer utterances.
Time WaitingTime since the last message sender has been awaiting a response.
AlertsEvent-based signals recorded throughout the conversation.

Performance - ‘Current Period’ Metrics (since 12 am)

Metric nameDefinition
Offered - TotalThe total instances where the conversation was either placed in queue or assigned directly to an agent attributed to the time interval the Queue or direct Assignment event (without being placed in queue) occurs.
Assigned to Agent - TotalThe total instances where the customer was assigned to an agent.
Timed Out by Agent - TotalThe total instances assigned to an agent where they “Timed Out” the customer.
Queued - TotalThe total instances where a customer was placed in or is currently waiting in the queue to be connected to an agent.
Queued - Eligible for AssignmentOnly available as a right now metric.
Max Queue TimeOnly available as a right now metric.
Average Wait TimeThe average time a customer waited to abandon or be assigned to an agent, including ‘zero-time’ for customers directly assigned to an agent when there were available slots.
Average Time in QueueThe average time a customer waited in queue for those who either abandoned the queue or were assigned to an agent.
Average Time to AssignThe average queue time for all customers who were assigned to an agent, including ‘zero-time’ for customers directly assigned to an agent when there were available slots.
Queue AbandonsThe total count of customers who abandoned the queue.
Average Abandon Queue TimeThe average time a customer waited in queue prior to abandoning, either by being dequeued on the web or ending the chat before being assigned to an agent.
Queue Abandonment RateThe percent of customers who required a visit to the queue and abandoned before being assigned to an agent.
Average Agent Response TimeThe average amount of time it takes an agent to respond to a customer message across all assignments.
Average Agent First Response TimeThe average amount of time it takes an agent to send the first line to a customer after the chat was assigned across all assignments.
Average Handle TimeThe average amount of time spent by an agent per assignment, from when the chat was assigned to when the agent finishes dispositioning the assignment.
Active SlotsOnly available as a right now metric.
OccupancyThe percentage of cumulative utilization time to cumulative available time for all agents who handled chats.
ConcurrencyThe weighted average number of concurrent chats that agents are handling at once, given an agent is utilized by handling at least one chat.
Logged In AgentsOnly available as a right now metric.
Active and Away AgentsOnly available as a right now metric.
Agent StatusOnly available as a right now metric.

Teams and Locations

You can track the live behaviors of agents by overseeing outages and staff levels at different geographic locations. Furthermore, each team provides hourly updates as to who is active/lunch etc and they want to be able to get this information easily.

Admins see a list of agents when they click into a particular queue and select Performance from the left-hand panel and clicked into the Agents icon on the right-hand panel. Admins can further oversee results by performance metrics of the current day and filter both the agent list and metrics by any of the following attributes:

  • Agent Name
  • Location
  • Team
  • Status

Team Table

Admins can filter teams by type of role and review each company assigned to the team. Also, each result shows the size and the occupancy of each team.

Each administrator can provide an hourly update of how many agents are active, on lunch, or in a different state as well as view corresponding metrics.

Location Table

Admins can filter locations by region and review the occupancy and size of each location.

Each location provides updates of performance and agent names.