Retrieve an article
Fetch a specific article by its unique identifier.
If the article has not been created because the associated submission was not approved, a 404 status will be returned.
Path Parameters
The unique identifier for the article to be retrieved.
An article stored within the Knowledge Base.
The unique identifier for the article.
The refined title of the article, resulting from the cleanup process.
The refined content of the article, resulting from the cleanup process.
The reference URL of the article. Defaults to null if not provided.
The timestamp indicating when the article was last updated. This field is null if the initial submission is still pending review.
The email address of the user who last updated the article. This field is null if the initial submission is still pending review.
Additional key-value pairs related to the article.
The original content of the article prior to the cleanup process.
The original title of the article prior to the cleanup process.
Examples of customer questions related to the article. Defaults to an empty array if not provided.
Specific instructions to ensure responses are relevant and address exceptions.
The unique identifier for the submission currently under review for this article. This field is null if there are no pending submissions.
The current version label of the article. This field is null if the initial submission is still pending review.
The current deployment status of the article.
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