List the global responses
Get the global responses and folder organization for a company. Responses are sorted by text, and folders are sorted by name.
Query Parameters
Optional identifier for the ID of the folder containing responses to be retrieved. If this is omitted, all global responses are returned. Data format is expected to be UUID. The special value '__root' can also be used to retrieve top level folders/responses.
Optional identifier for the ID of the type of responses to be retrieved. A value of 'folders' will return only folder information describing the way responses are organized. A value of 'responses' will return only responses. A value of 'all' will return a mix of folders and responses. Note that if the folderId parameter is specified as well, only the resource type identified here that exists within the specified folder will be returned. If this is omitted, all resources are returned.
, responses
, all
Search term to search for global responses. This will search for matching folder names, response text or both, depending on the resourceType parameter value.
This service responds with a set of global responses. These are divided into pages, with maxPerPage items in each page. This parameter is the page token returned in the call prior to this one. If this is the first call being made, this field should be omitted. The server will respond with global responses following the one previously sent.
The maximum number of custom responses the client can handle within one page
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